
Blockchain + AI for
Next-Level Insights

Download UpRock AI Earnings App for Mac

Get it on Google Play for Android

Available for download on MacOS v.13+ and Android. Additional platform support coming soon.

The first decentralized AI data network rewarding the community

UpRock AI Earnings App democratizes real-time data accessibility for deep, actionable insights for Creators, Brands and Businesses to thrive.

  • Real-browsers, Real-device Peers: Our Cutting-Edge Knowledge Acquisition Layer.
  • Superior Data Quality: Unleashing Real-Time AI Insights Free from Platform Constraints.
  • Advanced AI Agents: Going Beyond Language Generation for Actionable Insights.

Download UpRock AI Earnings App

Get it on Google Play

Available for install on MacOS v.13+ and Android. Other platform support coming soon.
Decentralized Data Insights

Building a Community-Powered Ecosystem

Acta Diurna, UpRock's groundbreaking AI Insight-as-a-Service platform, is architecting a new era of data acquisition, processing, and utilization for AI. Amid a landscape where AI platforms limit access to superior features and operate under covert content moderation policies, Acta Diurna shines a beacon of transparency and accessibility.

By delivering real-time news and social media insights, efficient summaries, critical topic analysis, and comprehensive sentiment analysis, it empowers creators, brands, and businesses to seize strategic advantages in the AI era.

UpRock's edge is powered by a decentralized network of real-browser, real-device peers. Users, rewarded for their bandwidth and compute contributions, help foster a cooperative ecosystem. As this network expands, it evolves into a potent, decentralized global data engine, becoming a go-to resource for AI and blockchain enterprises alike. With UpRock, we're not merely scratching the surface - we're pioneering the path to a decentralized, democratized AI future.

About the Team

Seasoned builders in mobile, infrastructure and blockchain technologies

The UpRock team is an ensemble of serial entrepreneurs, distinguished by our proven expertise in architecting large-scale mobile platforms and pioneering infrastructure that serve millions globally. Our highly-rated applications, boasting an average rating of 4.6+ across app stores, is a testament to our commitment to excellence and user-centric design. Tenta, our pioneering crypto browser app, exemplified this ethos by being the first to offer full encryption, integrated VPN services, secure DNS, comprehensive privacy protection, and vital web3 features.

In the open-source community, we've made notable contributions, most prominently with our Tenta DNS project, which has garnered over 1,000 stars on GitHub, reflecting our commitment to innovation and collaboration. Our accomplishments led to the acquisition of Tenta Crypto Browser by Avast, a leading cybersecurity company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Armed with extensive experience in consumer app development, intricate knowledge of infrastructure, hosting, crypto wallets, and running validator nodes for various crypto projects, we are uniquely equipped to steer the course towards a decentralized, AI-empowered future with UpRock. We've also supported the web3 community by assisting three Solana startups in raising $300K through their Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs).

With the debut of our AI Insight-as-a-Service platform and the UpRock AI Earnings initiative, we're on a mission to usher in a humanity-first AI-driven future. Creators and brands will not only benefit from powerful AI tools and their data contributions but also maintain command of their digital presence, paving the way to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

UpRock Team Press